Dr. Amy Skibiel
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Biological Sciences, Auburn University
M.S., Biological Sciences, Auburn University
B.S., Biology, Juniata College
Email: askibiel(at)uidaho(dot)edu
Phone: 208-885-1161
Department of Animal, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Agriculture Biotechnology Building
Moscow, ID 83844-2330
Graduate students

Delaney Sarantopulos
B.S. Animal Science with a minor in Biological Sciences, California State University, Chico
Delaney joined the lab in spring 2024. Her MS research explores pulmonary immune function and health of dairy calves associated with exposure to elevated particulate matter from wildfire smoke.

Mike Kamyabi
DVM, Islamic Azad University
Mike joined the lab in fall 2023 and is working on his MS. Mike is studying effects of poor air quality from wildfire smoke on the pulmonary immune system and pulmonary function in dairy cows.

Adamarie Marquez Acevedo
B.S. Animal Science and Global Resource Systems with a minor in Agronomy, Sustainability, and Animal Ecology, Iowa State University
M.S. Animal Physiology, University of Idaho
Ada joined the lab in spring 2021 as an MS student and completed her thesis research on the cellular response to heat stress in lactating dairy cattle. She is continuing her academic journey as a PhD student studying impacts of environmental stressors on mitochondrial function and genetic tools for improving heat tolerance in dairy cattle.

Alexandra Pace
B.S. Animal Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Alex joined the lab in fall 2021 and is working on her PhD. Her research is focused on understanding the impacts of wildfire smoke exposure on dairy cow health and production, and dairy calf health and growth.
Former Skibiel lab members

Ashly Anderson
M.S. Animal, Veterinary and Food Sciences, University of Idaho
B.S. Animal and Veterinary Science, University of Idaho
Ashly successfully defended her M.S. thesis in spring 2021 lab and she will be starting veterinary school in fall 2022. Her thesis project was on cattle production and health impacts from poor air quality due to wildfires.

Victoria Favorit
M.S. Animal, Veterinary and Food Sciences, University of Idaho
B.S. Animal Science, University of Florida
A.A. Daytona State College
Tori graduated with her M.S. degree in spring 2021. She studied mitochondrial adaptations to lactation in dairy cattle. Tori is currently a first year veterinary student.

Dr. Chloe Josefson
Ph.D. Biological Sciences, Auburn University
B.S. Biology, University of South Florida
B.A. Psychology, University of South Florida
Chloe joined the lab as an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in spring 2020. She is broadly interested in the physiological costs of reproduction in female mammals and the evolution of life history tradeoffs. She is studying mechanisms underlying variation in maternal investment in lactation and consequences for offspring growth and immune development.
Amy L. Skibiel
University of Idaho
Department of Animal, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Moscow, ID 83844
Email: askibiel(at)uidaho(dot)edu
Phone: 208-885-1161
© 2022 by Amy L. Skibiel. All Rights Reserved.